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Supang National High School (Teaching & Observation)


    Supang National High School is the name of a school located in Guimaras, Philippines. I taught there only 2 days and 2 days of observation. so on Monday and Tuesday, I observed the class and studied the school lesson plan, and on Thursday and Friday, I taught. I taught 6 classes in one day, which I thought would be tiring teaching there, but in fact, it was very fun teaching there. 

    During my observation I studied the lesson plan of the Philippines, it turned out to be very easy and very simple. there are three important components in the objective lesson plan, namely first, knowledge (just simple recall, to identify, to draw, to describe), second, skills (learning objectives), third, affective (to relate, to one's life, to show appreciation). 

During my observation I studied the lesson plan of the Philippines, it turned out to be very easy and very simple. there are three important components in the objective lesson plan, namely first, knowledge (just simple recall, to identify, to draw, to describe), second, skills (learning objectives), third, affective (to relate, to one's life, to show appreciation). 

I always discuss this with my mentor teacher, ma'am Kiezel Jan Penit, who is the 9th grade English teacher where I observe and teach. she is very kind and guides me until I can and confident. help me make a lesson plan. The most interesting thing, in my opinion, is that it turns out that teachers in the Philippines always make lesson plans at every meeting, for example, Monday to Friday, which means making five lesson plans, it's natural because every day they teach so they have to make lesson plans, therefore why I say interesting is that the spirit of the philippine teachers is very great, even though sometimes there is pressure they are still enthusiastic about educating the nation's children. 

back to the lesson plan, I made a lesson plan to teach the next day on the topic of communicative style. so the system is that on Thursday I explained the topic and on Friday gave a quiz to students. 

Doc: Lesson Plan

PowerPoint: Communicative style_Grade 9

Some important points when I teach are: 
1. Before starting the lesson with the students, I do a warm-up first so that they are excited. 
2. At the beginning of learning, students are given a stimulus, namely guessing what situation or situation is in the picture. 
3. Then after watching a video on the topic, and after watching discussing what is in the picture and repeating it again until students understand. 
4. Then at the end give reflection questions to students.

The above is a video made directly by my mentor teacher in Supang. I really like the video, that's why I saved it on this blog. 

What were your experiences during observation and teaching? 

There were so many experiences that I got there, even though it was only 4 days at the school, but it felt like a long time. There I learned to be confident and find myself, because what I thought teaching was difficult turned out to be not so difficult but fun, especially if the students accepted us as their teachers. Having a mentor teacher is like having your own sister, I don't know if other countries will be the same or not, but what I found in Guimaras is that all the people are very friendly like their relatives. 

I would like to thank Guimaras State University for putting us to teach at Supang National High School, it was so much fun, and grateful that I could go there and teach at the same time. I will not forget the hospitality of the people in the school from the humble and friendly children and the staff, I am very grateful.


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